We set out our advent calendar (a three dimensional house with drawers for the windows) while Liv and Violet were sleeping last night. When Liv woke up this morning and saw it she ran to Chris and said "Daddy, there's a Santa house in our living room! Who did it? Was it my decorating friends?" I have no idea who these decorating friends are but I wish they'd come around more often.
I was inspired by a few blogs on the internet to do an activity advent calendar instead of putting treats in the calendar. Today's activity was to drink egg nog out of our Santa mugs. Liv decided she'd rather have hot cocoa so we did that instead. We enjoyed our drinks out on the front porch with our large tree covered in white lights. And Chris told a great story about "Doropede" the dinosaur and how she drank cocoa with her mommy and daddy. Liv has been a big fan of the Wiggles and Dorothy the dinosaur all year long. Here are some pictures of Liv and Chris making the hot cocoa.
Here's the note we put into the calendar.